Ella & Luke - Eastington Park

Its always a treat to be asked back to do a family members wedding; I have met Ellas family before when I shot her sisters wedding. The loveliest and most welcoming of families, it was so great to be back with them all.

Ella & Luke had a fabulous autumnal day at Eastington Park. Thanks to my second shooter, Chantelle Shepperd, who captured the boys in the morning whilst I was with the girls.

Enjoy looking through this gorgeous day;

Hair and Make up - Margot and Lace

Flowers - Bluebell Florist

Venue - Eastington Park

Decorations - Etiquette Events

 autumn wedding, cotswolds wedding photographer
eastington park. eastington park wedding
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 autumn wedding
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 autumn wedding, sparklers at weddings
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 autumn wedding
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 autumn wedding, sparklers at weddings
 autumn wedding, cotswolds wedding
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 autumn wedding, cotswolds wedding photographer
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 autumn wedding
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 cotswolds wedding
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 autumn wedding
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 gloucestershire wedding photographer, autumn wedding
 autumn wedding, cotswolds wedding photographer
 autumn wedding, cotswolds wedding photographer
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 autumn wedding, cotswolds wedding photographer
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 autumn wedding
 autumn wedding,eastington park. eastington park wedding
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 gloucestershire wedding photographer, autumn wedding
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 cotswolds wedding photographer, autumn wedding
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 autumn wedding
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 autumn wedding, gloucestershire wedding photographer
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 autumn wedding
 autumn wedding, cotswolds wedding
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 autumn wedding
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 autumn wedding, gloucestershire wedding photographer
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 autumn wedding,eastington park. eastington park wedding
eastington park. eastington park wedding, gloucestershire wedding photographer
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 gloucestershire wedding photographer, autumn wedding
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 cotswolds wedding
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 autumn wedding
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 gloucestershire wedding photographer, cotswolds wedding photographer
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 cotswolds wedding
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 autumn wedding, gloucestershire wedding photographer
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 autumn wedding,eastington park. eastington park wedding
 sparklers at weddings, cotswolds wedding photographer


Merriscourt Barn- Alice & Harry


Leanne & Lorrie - Kingscote Barn